4 Financial Mistakes to Avoid this Spring

Jeremy Joiner |



As we begin a new season of financial “spring cleaning,以下是今年你可以避免的4个(常犯的)错误:

Mistake #1: Budgeting for 2023––Not 2024



What do you envision for yourself this year?


In doing some simple fine-tuning of your budget, 你可能会发现一些新的机会和新的动力来坚持你的计划.

Tip: Take your budget review line item, by line item. 使用50/30/20的方法作为一般的经验法则是有帮助的,并在此基础上进行完善. That would mean 50% of your budget is for your needs; 30% is for your wants; and the last 20% would be for savings and/or debt.1

Mistake #2: Automatically Renewing Insurance


You also don’t need identical coverage for your vehicles, your home, your health, and other insurable items.

在2024年续保之前,看看你的保险范围和保费. 检查你的保单条款,询问你的保险公司去年有什么变化.

Tip看看你可以捆绑什么和/或其他保险公司提供什么激励措施. 如果你一直忠诚于某家公司,而你的保费(又一次)上涨了, 现在可能是一个很好的时间来探索一些新的报价,并考虑任何“新客户”折扣,你可能有资格.

Mistake #3: Losing Sight of Your Savings

What are your biggest financial regrets?



This year, consider a deeper dive into your accounts, whether that means earmarking more for savings, leaving some bad habits behind, or boosting your financial knowledge.

Tip设置自动银行转帐,每周或每月存入一定数额的钱到你的储蓄账户. You can also use apps to track your savings, find discounts, 然后把买东西的零钱存到你的储蓄账户里. Going the automated route can help you stay the course.

Mistake #4: Closing Too Many Credit Accounts at Once


If you clean house too fast, you could hurt your credit score.

Consider why 您希望在关闭现有信用帐户之前关闭它们. If it’s high fees or an available bonus with a new card, 在采取行动之前,用你当前的卡探索你所有的选择.

Also, try to avoid carelessly opening new lines of credit. 首先,查看条款,年费,以及账户是否/如何符合你的需求.

Tip在你对现有账户采取任何行动之前,查看一份你的信用报告. Also, 考虑用你现有的信用账户安排警报,这样更容易监控它们,并对任何可疑活动保持警惕.

An Easier Way to Declutter Your Finances

我们的财务生活包含了很多移动的部分,这些部分不一定能跟上我们不断变化的计划. No matter your current financial goals, 一些常规的“春季大扫除”可以帮助你在年度更新的时候做出更明智的决定, yearly bills from Uncle Sam, and more. So can a financial professional.

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